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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2016

Corat Coret Di Toilet - Eka Kurniawan

Nduweni Silsilah

Nduweni silsilah keluarga gedhe dadi kebangaan dewek kerna nduweni akeh sedulur. Nyambungna seduluran gue udu perkara gampang tapi perkara sing lumayan rumit kerna kudu nyambung - nyambungna ket awal kang rama biyung awal (mbah, gantung siwur). Jerè lilik sekang ramaku. Mbah gantung siwur ku turunan Jogja kur pindah meng Gombong bar manggon nang Gombong mandan suwe pindah maning meng Pamarican - Banjar mbukak lahan anyar. Kerna wong Jawa jerè terkenal karo ketaltenané alas sing rungkud gé bisa dadi lahan sawah sing apik. Mbahku sing tek sebut Biyung Kidul ket ciliké wis lair nang Pamarican. Dadi dewekè asli kang Pamarican ya walaupun wong Jawa.  Silsilah Keluargaku

Goes Ke Nusakambangan Siapa Takut! #3

Maaf sekali kali saya malas membuat mukadimah yang bagus jadi langsung saja ke cerita pokok ya. Ada dua dermaga di Klaces - Kampung Laut diantaranya dermaga resmi yang berada di sisi timur dan mempunyai fasilitas layaknya dermaga selain itu ada Pos TNI AL tepat di sisi dermaga. Adapun dermaga illegal orang sekitar menyebutnya berada sekitar 200 meter dari dermaga resmi. Di dermaga illegal ini tidak memiliki fasilitas yang lengkap hanya sandaran berupa kayu saja. Anehnya dermaga illegal inilah yang ramai oleh perahu - perahu yang bersandar.  Menginjakkan kaki di wilayah Kampung Laut membuat saya terpana karena wilayah yang khas seperti rawa - rawa. Dimana - mana ada air yang menggenang. Kadang terasa aneh karena memang Kampung Laut adalah daerah terisolasi. Klaces merupakan pusat pemerintahan dari kecamatan Kampung Laut jadi beberapa fasilitas yang ada termasuk lengkap misalnya adanya fasilitas kesehatan berupa Puskesmas yang sudah menyediakan fasilitas rawat inap. Terlih...

Goes Ke Nusakambangan Siapa Takut! #2

Layaknya lembur malam hari saya kembali melanjutkan cerita yang bersambung beberapa menit yang lalu.  Jelas saya tutup episode karena perut mules ingin mengeluarkan 'hasilnya' yang mirip dengan produk dari PT Antam. Lagi pula tidak pantas saya bercerita sekaligus dalam satu halaman yang bisa mengakibatkan percikan - percikan ludah menyembur ke muka kalian semua karena terlalu kenyang ngoceh dalam satu halaman hehehehe. Saya cukupkan mukadimah episode kali ini dalam satu alenia saja ya... Hehehehe.  Informasi yang diberikan ibu pemilik warung memang tidak selalu benar ada kalanya salah karena terjadi perubahan harga dan perubahan - perubahan lainnya yang menyebabkan informasi yang didapat menjadi sebuah 'info salah'. Misalnya saja informasi harga yang menjadi 'salah' adalah harga untuk menyeberangi sungai Citandui. Dari informasi yang didapat sebesar Rp 5000 namun dalam kenyataan lebih murah yakni Rp 2000 sekali nyebrang!. Sedikit menakutkan saat menyeberang...

Goes Ke Nusakambangan Siapa Takut! #1

Sudah terlampau lama menganggur kejenuhan pun terasa berat untuk dilalui tanpa kegiatan apapun. Berkebun dan menjadi baby sitter membuat ringan dan sedikit terlupakan akan status 'pengangguran', menjalani sebagai baby sitter keluarga sendiri setiap hari kadang masih terasa berat walaupun tidak seberat tanpa adanya kegiatan yang dilakukan. Salah satu solusi yang paling jitu bagi saya adalah main sepeda untuk keliling wilayah Priangan Timur ini.  Kali ini (18/12/16) Ahad pagi terasa berat untuk bangkit dari kasur yang sudah banyak ilernya . Aroma khas inilah yang kadang membuat seseorang susah untuk pergi jauh - jauh dari 'sarang' kesayanganya apalagi yang mempunyai status durjana dan nista seperti saya. Ya status jomblo merupakan status yang paling erat akan kasur namun bukan hanya si durjana jomblo saja yang diasosikan kedekatanya dengan kasur tapi status 'pengantin baru' demikian! Namun sayang status pengantin baru masih jauh dari kenyataan!  Hahhahaha...

Learning Javanese: Animals

Domestic Animals Sapi = Cow Kebo = Buffalo Wedhus = Sheep/Goat Pithik = Chicken Dara/Manuk Dara = Dove Bebek = Duck Iwak = Fish Iwak Laut = Fish from Ocean Kuda/Jaran = Horse Onta = Camel Keledai = Donkey Kucing = Cat Klenci/Terwelu = Rabbit Wild Animals Singa = Lion Macan = Tiger Gajah = Elephant Garangan = Fox Ula = Snake Jerapah = Giraffe Beruang = Bear Srigala = Fox Monyet/Kunyuk = Monkey Kadal = Lizard Cécek = Lizard House Komodo = Komodo Dragon Baya = Crocodile Kijang = Deer Badak = Rhinoceros Kurakura = Tortoise Penyu = Turtle Lumba - Lumba = Dolphin Paus = Whale Hiu = Sharks Alap - Alap = Eagle Kanguru = Kangaroo Kalajengking = Scorpion

Learning Javanese: Direction

Javanese more often using point of compass than using left and right direction. Let's knowing about it! Kiwe = Left Tengen = Right Nang Ngarep = Front Nang Buri = Back of Nduwur = Above Ngingsor = Under Nyebrang/Mentas = Acrossing Lor = North Kidul = South Kulon = West Wetan = East Written by Waluyo Ibn Dischman Pamarican, December 14, 2016 1:50 pm

Learning Javanese: Vegetables and Herbs

Vocabulary Merica = Pepper Pari = Rice Paddy Sega = Rice Lombok = Hot Chili Peppers Kacang = Nut/Peanut Kentang = Potatoes Kol = Cabbage Ketan = Sticky rice Merica = Pepper Sayuran = Vegetables Terong = Egg plant Munthul = Sweet Potatoes or Mexican yam Kangkung = Kangkong/Chinese Spinach Bayem = Spinach Sereh = Lemon grass Timun = Cucumber Kunir = Turmeric Kemangi = Basil Kecambah = Bean Sprouts Kapol = Cardamon Sledri = Coriander/Cilantro Kelapa = Coconut Santen = Coconut Milk Lunca = Small round egg plant Laos = Galangal Bawang putih = Garlic Jahe = Ginger Jeruk purut = Kaffir Lime Jamur = Mushrooms Bawang Bombai = Onion Merica/Ketumbar = Peppercorns Asem = Tamarind Gula Kelapa/Gula Aren = Palm Sugar Gula Putih/Gula Tebu = Sugar Pedes = Spicy Asin = Salty Legi = Sweet Asem = Sour Pait = Bitter Wortel = Carrot Tomat = Tomato

Learning Javanese: Traditional Snack and Beverage

Javanese Traditional Beverage or Snack is so difficult to explain in English but I will try describe to you. Es Campur: Syrup with mixed diced of fruit. Gaplek: Steamed Cassava who full of mushrooms and run be black. Kelepon: Cake ball with palm sugar inside and grated coconut as topping. Cincau/Cingcong: Fresh grass jelly with coconut milk and palm sugar. Tempe Goreng : Fries Tempeh (Soybean cake). Wedhang Ronde: Coconuts milk mixed with palm sugar and peanut.

Learning Javanese: Fruit

So many tropical fruit in Indonesia let's know it in Basa Jawa! Apel = Apple Nanas = Pineapple Jeruk = Orange Jeruk Purut = Kefir Jeruk Nipis = Lime Jeruk Lemon = Lemon Delima = Pomegranate Gedhang = Banana Kates/Gandul = Papayas Ceri = Cherry Stroberi = Strawberry Duren = Durian (King of tropical fruit) Manggis = Mangosteen (Queen of tropical fruit) Rambutan = Rambutan Sirsak/Nangka sabrang = Soursop Nangka = Jackfruit Ketewel = Young Jackfruit Klapa = Coconut Semangka = Watermelon Melon = Melon Jambu = Water Apple or Apple wax Jambu Klutuk = Guava Blimbing = Fruit Star Pelem = Mango Dukuh = Dukuh Salak = Zalacca or Snake fruit Alpuket = Avocado Pir = Pear Anggur = Grape Buah Naga = Dragon Fruit

Learning Javanese: How to Order

Call the waiter as Mas and waitress as Mbak but if you meet older waitress called Ibu and for older waiters as Bapak . A table for two please Meja go wong loro yo... I'd like to order.... Enyong arep pesen ..... Do you have....?  Ana apa bae ? Apa ana . . . . ? What this is?   Apa gue? Apa gie? Boiled vegetables   Kluban Potatoes fries with spicy sweet tasted  Mustopa Grilled fish    Iwak Bakar Medium   Setengah Mateng Steamed    Kukus/Didang This is not what I ordered,  I ask for....    Gie udhu pesenanku , Enyong njaluk . . . . Where are drinks?  Endi nginumé ? The meat is over done.   Dagingé kematengan The meat is underdone.   Dagingé urung mateng What taking you so long?  Kenengapa suwe temen yah? May I have the bill, please.   Njaluk kertas Bonné .

Learning Javanese: Meals

Javanese food can be subdivided into region of regency especially in Central Java and East Java. But almost Javanese more like sweet. Acar = Pickled cucumber, Onion and acid Ager = Seaweed Jelly Asbak = Astray Asinan = salted vegetables and fruits (Salad) Ati = liver Pithik = chicken but sometimes called Ayam Goreng following Indonesian language Babat = Tripe Babi = Pork (only in big city can be found) Bakar = Grilled Bakso , Baso , Penthol = Meat ball Brambang = Onion Bebek = Duck Bihun = rice noodles Bir = beer Buah = fruit Bubur = Porridge Bumbu Kacang = Peanut Sauce Buncis = Green beans Lombok = Hot Chili Peppers Cincau/Cingcong/Camcau = Grass jelly Cuka = Vinegar Cumi = Squid Daging = Meat Daging ayam = chicken Daging Sapi = Beef Es Krim = Ice Cream Pecel = Vegetables salad with peanut sausage Garpu = fork Gelas/Cangkir = Glass Gudeg = Young Jackfruit Curry Iwak = Fish Kecap = Ketchup Keju = Cheese Kentang = Potatoes Kerupuk = Crackers Keta...

Learning Javanese: The Post Office

Although Internet service can find in your hotels and in your mobile phone but sometimes we still need go to post office.  I will give you some sentence who has relation with post office. Neng/Nang endi kantor pos ? Where is the post office? Enyong perlu perangko go surat - surat gie/iki . I'd like stamps for these letters, please. Kapan suraté ngejog ?  When will it arrives? Vocabulary Perangko Stamp Amplop Envelop Surat Letter Bis Surat Mailbox Kertu Pos Post Card Barang cetakan Printed Matter Kirim Send Loket Counter Paket Parcel Alamat Address Kode Pos Post code Lem Glue Written by Waluyo Ibn Dischman Pamarican, December 14, 2016 6:42 pm

Learning Javanese: On Arrival

Visitors to Indonesia must have passport valid for at least six months from date of arrival and have tickets of onwards or return passage. About 40 country are free visa. A few words are good to know, just in case visitors want use them in Banyumas region or Java island. Bisa basa Jawa ? Do you speak Javanese? Ngapurani , Ora bisa Sorry, I can't Bisa sipet I can speak little Arep manggon pirang dina? How long you staying? Rong minggu Two weeks Sedina A days Limang dina Five days Setaun A year Setengah taun Six months Sewulan a month

Learning Javanese: Signs

Only in first hotel, airport, or mall all sign in both Indonesian and English. And very rare using Javanese language. Ati - ati = Caution Aja Mlebu = No Entry Aja Ngerokok = Don't smoke Awas Ana Anjing = Be aware of dog Bukak = Open Tutup = Closed Dorong = Push Tarik = Pull Wadon = Ladies/Women Lanang = Gents/ Men

Learning Javanese: Time and Clock

Vocabulary Jam = clock Arloji or Jam tangan = watch Weker = alarm clock Jam = Hour Menit = Minutes Detik = Second Tengah wengi = midnight Tengah awan = midday Jam Enem lewih Sepuluh (menit) 06:10 Jam pitu lewih telungpuluh ( menit) 07:30 Jam Sanga kurang seperapat/ jam Sanga lewih patang puluh lima (menit) 09:45 Jam pitu pas = 07:00 Jam Pitu lewih limolas / jam Pitu lewih seprapat = 07:15 To indicate an hour as an unit,  Javanese say jam and to indicate the time they use jam too. Example : Budi turu pitung jam (Budi slept for 7 hour) Siki jam lima (it's five o'clock) However, colloquially jam may be used for about everything; watch, clock,  hour, telling time. Example : 1. Apa koe wis tuku merek jam favoritmu? Have you buy your favorite watch brand?  2. Jam pira siki? What the clock right now? 3. Siki jam sepuluh. Right now is ten o'clock.

Learning Javanese: Calendar

Indonesian Javanese using 3 type of calendar, they're Georgian, Hijr (Islamic Calendar), and Java Calendar. The Javanese calendar use not only by Javanese but used by Madurese and Sundanese. In Indonesia you can find 3 type calendar in one calendar sometime more with other type calendar like as Balinese or Hindu Calendar,  Chinese or lunar calendar.  Right now Javanese calendar use only for religious, culture and metaphysical proposes. Like as indicating when the mystical. The current Javanese calendar was inaugurated by Sultan Agung Mataram in 1633 Georgian calendar. Javanese calendar consists only five days it called Pasaran . Because Javanese is collaboration between lunar and solar system so we called for solar month as Wangsa and for lunar month called as Wulan . Lunar year called as Taun , 8 year cycle called as Windu .  Division of Javanese calendar similar with Islamic Calendar, starting at sunset.  Banyumasan Javanese traditionally has time div...

Learning Javanese: Fractions

Hi everyone I will introduce how javanese language said in fraction words. A quarter = Seprapat ( Se mean 1; Pra mean per; Pat refer to Papat or 4) One third = Sepertelu A half = Setengah Three quarters = Telung Prapat One and a half = Siji Setengah Ten Percent = Sepuluh Persen Written by Waluyo Ibn Dischman Pamarican, December 14, 2016 07:56 am

Learning Javanese: Ordinal Numbers

1st: Pertama, Kesiji 2nd: Keloro 3rd: Ketelu 4th: Kepapat 5th: Kelima 6th: Keenem 7th: Kepitu 8th: Kewolu 9th: Kesanga 10th: Kesepuluh 11th: Kesewelas 20th: Kerongpuluh Adverb of frequency Once = Sekali, Sepisan Twice = Pindo 3 time = Ping Telung 4 time = Ping Papat 5 time = Ping Lima 6 time ~ use Prefix Ping for adverb of frequency. In adverb of frequency sometime Javanese using adverb frequency from Indonesian language (Kali = Time) but no for number (number still in javanese language). Examples : 1th: Sekali, Sepisan 2nd: Rong Kali 3rd: Telung Kali 4th ~ use " Kali " after number. Written by Waluyo Ibn Dischman Pamarican, December 14, 2016 7:49 am

Learning Javanese: Cardinal Numbers

Se- = Prefix indicating one Example: Se puluh (10), Se dina (One day), Se kali (Once) etc -Likur = twenty Example: Se likur (21), Ro likur (21), Patang likur (24), Wolu likur (28) etc - Puluh = Dozen Example: Se puluh (10), Rong puluh (20),  Telung puluh (30), Sangang puluh (90) etc -Las = Suffix indicating teen Example: Se welas (11), Ro las (12), Telu las (13), Songo las (19) etc -Tus / -Ngatus = Suffix hundred Example: Sa tus (100), Ro ngatus (200), Pata ngatus (400), Pitu ngatus (700) etc - Ewu / Ngewu = Suffix thousands Example: Se wu (1000), Telu ngewu (3000), Wolu ngewu (8000) etc -Juto or -Juta = Million Example: Se juta (1.000.000.), Limang Juta (5.000.000), Enem Juta (6.000.000) etc Miliar = Billion Example: Se miliar (1 Billion), Sepuluh miliar (10 Billion) etc Triliun = Trillion Example: Wolu Triliun (8 trillion) etc 0: Enol, Nol, Kosong, Jendol 1: Siji, Ji 2: Loro, Ro 3: Telu 4: Papat 5: Lima 6: Enem 7: Pitu 8: Wolu ...

Learning Javanese: Questions

An Indonesian statement become a question when it is preceded by Apa as question indicator, to which a yes or no answer can be given. He/she is a teacher = Wong kae tulih guru Is he/she a teacher? = Apa wong kae guru? They want to eat = Kae wong sakabehan pengin madang Do they want to eat? = Apa kae wong sakabehan pengin madang? A statement become a question when it is spoken with a rising intonation at the end of the sentence. Bold word should read in rising intonation for become a question. Examples : 1. Bocah kae nyanyi ? Is that child singing? 2. Kae wong pengin madang ? Do they want to eat? Basic questions word in Banyumasan Javanese dialect. Where is? = Nang endi? When? = Kapan? What? = Apa? Opo? Who? = Sapa? Who are you?  = Sapa koe? Sapa sih kae? Why? = Kenengapa? Nengapa? Which? = Sing endi?  How = Pie?  Kepriwe? Kepriben? How much? = Pira? Piro?  ( for asking price = Piranan) What does that mean? = Apa gue artiné? May I?  = Ulih...

Learning Javanese: Annoyance

What do you want? = Penginé apa jan? Karepé kepriwe? Don't bother me! Aja ngeriwugi!  = Aja ganggu Enyong! Go away!  = Nganah lunga! / Lunga nganah! Get out! =   Metu nganah!  I said I don't want it! = Enyong ngomong yen Enyong ra pengin gue Next time = ngesuk maning Vocabulary Apa = What Pengin = Want Ngeriwugi = Bother Enyong = Me Aja = Don't Lunga = Go Metu = Out Ngomong = Said Next = Ngesuk Written by Waluyo Ibn Dischman Pamarican, December 13, 2016 07: 30 pm

Learning Javanese: Problems

Problems However hard we try, we can not speak a foreign over night. Native speakers may not understand our pronunciation. We may use wrong terms. Yet, we need to explain or ask something and we are desperate to be understood. Do you speak English?  = Koe bisa basa Inggris? Is there anyone here who speaks English? =   Apa nang kene sing bisa basa Inggris? Do you understand?  = Apa koe ngerti?  I don't understand!  = Aku ora reti Yes, I understood! =  Ya, Aku/Enyong ngerti Please speak slowly = Ngapurani, ngomongé sing lindik. Pardon (don't get it) = Kepriwe? Please repeat it = Nyuwun sewu ulangi maning Wait, I will look it up = Enteni, Enyong rep ndeleng buku gipi. Please find someone who understands English = Ngapurani,  goletna wong sing bisa ngomong basa Inggris Please call police = Tulung celukna polisi Please call a doctor = Tulung celukna dokter Could you help me please = Ngapurani, bisa tolong/bantu Enyong? Voca...

Learning Javanese: Basic Phrases

Hi everyone. Thanks for visiting my blog!  Here I want introduce my mother language to you all.  Javanese is one of largest language speaker in Southeast Asia more than 84 million. Javanese has many dialect like as Banyumasan, Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya etc. Here I will teach you Banyumasan dialect. Basic Phrases There are many basic phrases for daily use. The man in the street may answer your question in the colloquial way. That is why they are included here. General Yes = Ya, He'eh, Enggih  No = Ora, Udhu, Émoh, Émong  Don't = Aja  Thank you = Kesuwun,  Matursuwun You're welcome = Padha - padha. Sometime they are answer just say "yes" as you are welcome   Hallo = Huy Please (requesting) = Tulung  Please (inviting) = Hok, Monggo Excuse me 1. Leaving or walking in front of others = Nyuwun sewu, Permisi, Ngapuntené. 2. Having disturbed or bumping into other = Ngapurani, Maaf,  Nyuwun sewu 3. Didn't hear or didn't underst...