Hi everyone. Thanks for visiting my blog! Here I want introduce my mother language to you all. Javanese is one of largest language speaker in Southeast Asia more than 84 million. Javanese has many dialect like as Banyumasan, Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya etc. Here I will teach you Banyumasan dialect.
Basic Phrases
There are many basic phrases for daily use. The man in the street may answer your question in the colloquial way. That is why they are included here.
There are many basic phrases for daily use. The man in the street may answer your question in the colloquial way. That is why they are included here.
Yes = Ya, He'eh, Enggih
Yes = Ya, He'eh, Enggih
No = Ora, Udhu, Émoh, Émong
Don't = Aja
Thank you = Kesuwun, Matursuwun
You're welcome = Padha - padha. Sometime they are answer just say "yes" as you are welcome
Hallo = Huy
Please (requesting) = Tulung
Please (inviting) = Hok, Monggo
Excuse me
1. Leaving or walking in front of others = Nyuwun sewu, Permisi, Ngapuntené.
2. Having disturbed or bumping into other = Ngapurani, Maaf, Nyuwun sewu
3. Didn't hear or didn't understand = Kepriwe? Apa koh? Anu apa? Kepriwe jan?
1. Leaving or walking in front of others = Nyuwun sewu, Permisi, Ngapuntené.
2. Having disturbed or bumping into other = Ngapurani, Maaf, Nyuwun sewu
3. Didn't hear or didn't understand = Kepriwe? Apa koh? Anu apa? Kepriwe jan?
Okay = Oké, Ya wis, Maen - maen, mantep
Good, that fine = Apik! Maen gue koh! Apik temen!
Good, that fine = Apik! Maen gue koh! Apik temen!
Maybe = Mbok, Jerè
I don't know = Embuh luh. Ora reti, Ora apal
I don't understand = Mbuh ora reti
Wait = Entheni, Tunggu
Let's go = Ayuh, Ayuh mangkat, Ayuh lunga
Watch out! = Awas!
Hurry up! = Cepetan! Ayuh!
Look! = Deleng!
Listen! = Rungokna!
Written by Waluyo Ibn Dischman
Pamarican, December 13, 2016
07:00 pm